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Monthly Musings

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As I continue my adult non-fiction writing journey,

this newsletter will help me establish my platform and audience.

December 27, 2024


And here it is, my last post of the year. Whether I continue Monthly Musings into 2025 is TBD. My goal for this newsletter, was to recap my memoir journey. Although it did not end with agent or publisher interest (yet), one potential glimmer of hope remains.


Last month, while visiting my sister for her 50th birthday, the acquisitions editor from University of Georgia Press replied to my query. Her cheerful response with instructions on how to submit to their non-fiction series left me feeling eagerly optimistic! 


Their series window is open until February 15. I plan to have this final submission complete by 12:59 p.m. on 12/31/24. Closing the loop on my year-long memoir submissions is my way of saying goodbye to 2024. On the horizon for 2025 are new writing workshops to facilitate, a writing panel discussion, and my new picture book publishing in May.


Before I end, I'd like to send a special and heartfelt thank you to everyone who subscribed to, and/or read this Monthly Musings.  I appreciate you more than you know.




November 27, 2024


This month, I gained a new appreciation for an old word, hope. After submitting two more memoir queries, I identified hope as the lingering feeling before I receive a response. Of course I want a yes; that is my hope during the wait. But not knowing provides an opportunity to think positively, to dream big and wonder. 


Life moves incredibly fast. Change is never-ending. Negativity is so pervasive.


Discovering a new interpretation for hope, and how to incorporate it differently in my writing life going forward is refreshing. So, cheers to a glass of hope, from me to you!




October 29, 2024


Well, not much has changed with my memoir status since last month. I sent one new query, and that's it. Two more months and my year of documenting this journey is complete. Whether I'll continue these memoir posts in 2025 is TBD. Either way, I'm okay with it.


My middle grade deserves some attention after an extended hiatus. And I have tons of new picture book ideas I've been archiving. I'm also doing a lot of reading. Mainly adult non-fiction and picture books. 


Every author's publication path is different. Which is a good thing. I don't know when I'll sell my next book, but I do know I will. As long as I keep writing and believing. Two things I plan on doing as long as I live.




September 29, 2024


This month I was busy prepping and presenting at two writing events with the Highlights Foundation and SCBWI Carolinas Fall Conference. Now that both are done, I'm back to the memoir submission grind. No word from any agents or editors this month so far. But there is one more day, so anything is possible! 


My SCBWI presentation title was, Write More, Worry Less. During my session, I shared tips and advice to encourage new writers on their writing journey. Almost 16 years in, continuing to write new stories is the only thing that keeps me moving.


I can't control an agent or editor's yes, no matter how badly I wish I could. But I can continue to write, edit, and submit the best stories possible. â€‹Until next month, you know what I'll be doing. â€‹




August 23, 2024


Another year around the sun for this Jersey Girl. 44 to be exact, although I don't feel a day over 35. Hopefully that continues with each new year. I'm typically an early riser, especially on this day. I like to savor all the goodness within each of these 24 hours.


One of my top priorities, was ordering my 40+ Double Dutch Club t-shirt with my new age on the back. I've been a member a little over a year. Joining this group of lively ladies brought back the jumping joy I experienced as a kid. I co-wrote a Double Dutch picture book too. 


The second item on my list? A quick find-and-replace of all the 43s in my memoir proposal with 44. This task was a reminder my manuscript hasn't found a home. Disappointing, yes. But I won't allow it to disrupt my day. As the perseverance queen, here's something I know for sure. One day I will be sharing news of my pending publication. Wait and see.




July 29, 2024


Back home from a much-needed week-long vacation. That aside, July has been a very slow writing month. I have been busy prepping for my first Highlights Foundation webinar, which I'm excited to co-host with two writing friends. And my first SCBWI Carolinas in-person conference presentation after that. Plus, lots of summer reading. 


I'm trying to stay motivated about my memoir. I know the publishing odds are against me, but quitting is not an option. I have three new agents I'd like to query. That's my next step to keep this train moving. 


As my birthday month approaches, I am choosing to believe good writing news is on the horizon. And I can't wait to share it!




June 27, 2024


Aside from summer—my favorite season—officially entering the building on the 20th, June has been pretty meh. On the memoir front that is.  My query submission to a university press that publishes health and wellness books received a reply within 24 hours, only to inform me they don't publish memoirs. So, back to the query letter drawing board, again.  


But before I jumped back in, I decided to follow up on my unannounced picture book. That decision turned my oh-so-meh June into unexpected joy! Unbeknownst to me, things have been steadily progressing.  I even received some of the artists' sketches. This book is very near and dear to my heart. To know it will be out in the world soon, quickly made up for the memoir disappointment.


I'm looking forward to June's last few days. And these remaining summer nights.​



May 30, 2024


2024 is almost six months in. Still no traction on my memoir, but I did discover a couple publishing prospects, while reestablishing a personal goal to pursue my MFA. I know I do not need an MFA at this point in my writing career; however, I've always wanted a master's degree in fine arts, to one day teach writing at the college level. Although there are still many logistical hoops to jump through, I'm excited to finally make this long-awaited dream a priority.


Now for those publishing prospects. While researching my new MFA program, I stumbled on two university presses that accept nonfiction submissions. I doubt I would've found these two presses, had I not been doing my MFA research. That, to me, is a sign I'm moving in the right direction. Speaking of signs, I also found a few positive nonfiction nods in this Esquire article my writing friend shared. As a creative, it's important to chase the glimmers and see where they lead. Oftentimes, it's down a dead end. But the optimist in me believes these nods will lead to new open doors. If the latter comes true, I'll be sure to share it here.



April 28, 2024


April started with a bang! Tabitha Brown—my favorite social media influencer—shared NANA'S FAVORITE THINGS on her Instagram show, Very Good Mondays. If I'm being honest, Tabitha's recognition brought me enough joy to last the rest of this year. I've started replaying the video when writing things wear me down, which causes my optimism tank to quickly fill back up. 


There has been absolutely no traction on my memoir this month. Zilch, nada, nothing from agents or editors. I did talk with three women, two of whom are writing memoirs, and one who is figuring out where to begin. None of us have big names or big platforms. Whether our words actually grace bookshelves in this country or abroad is yet to be seen. But what the four of us do have in common, is a story to tell. 


So, while I continue putting in work on my memoir, it helps to know there are others doing the same. We are all on separate paths, with a united goal. I hope that they, like me, never give up.



March 25, 2024


This month I received my third memoir proposal agent rejection. It landed the day before a celebratory trip to Hawaii for my mother’s 80th birthday. Perfect timing, right? I tried to file it in my email folder and forget it, but the sadness lingered a few days longer. Eventually, it subsided, and I remained present for the rest of my mother’s mega milestone. 


What I want, more than anything on this writing journey, is to be authentically transparent. I am fully aware the odds are against me. Although I am a dreamer, I’m also a realist … and a strategic thinker, who pays close attention to minute details many people overlook. What I am not, is a quitter. I truly don’t know how to give up on my writing goals. And so, I will continue to wait for my yes. I know it’s out there; we will find each other soon. 



February 24, 2024


My week-long writing residency at Baldwin For The Arts was surreal. An introvert’s dream! Peace, quiet, and uninterrupted solitude. It’s been years since I've experienced the writing zone. That place where creatives completely escape the cacophony of mental and physical noise from our daily lives and simply release, relax, write. I literally lost track of my days, which was wonderful! I gave myself permission to let go of the control I have over most things in my life. Here’s the kicker—nothing broke or fell apart. 


Being in this sacred space allowed me to finally complete my memoir proposal. While there's lots more work to do, I stand in gratitude for this gift of time and embrace my win. My heart, mind, and spirit are full. A blessing indeed.




January 26, 2024

This year I will be traveling to my first writing residency with Baldwin for the Arts. As a writer for close to 15 years, this has been one of my many dreams. I've watched from the sidelines as authors I admire spoke about their attendance at these sacred creative spaces. So, to say I am ecstatic to have received this opportunity, is an understatement.


I recently saw an X post by author, Jess Hernandez that said: "If you're going to be in any creative field long term, learn to be happy for other people." Jess couldn't be more spot on. It takes time to hone your craft. But once you put in the work and begin to reap the harvest of what you've sown, own it! Enjoy it! Bask in it! Which is what I plan to do. 


Again, I truly thank you for subscribing. Please note, these musings will not be long, and there will only be one a month. Oh, and, if you post something poignant that resonates with me, don't be surprised if I mention it here. 


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